Innovative building service engineering​

EDEKA Görresstraße

Modernization of the building technology for a sales area

Project start



80798 München


EDEKA Südbayern Handels Stiftung & Co. KG


The building technology has been completely modernized. The electrical connection for the store had to be enlarged as more refrigeration units had to be accommodated. A technical platform with the ventilation, electrical and MSR technology was installed in the space of the false ceiling, above the cash desks.  

The store is supplied with waste heat from the commercial refrigeration system. The building heating serves as redundancy.

Initial situation

The market is located on the ground floor of a 6-storey residential building. The entire building complex has an underground parking garage and offered little space for the installation technology. The rental space was cleared of pollutants, completely gutted and upgraded in terms of fire protection.

Project objective

Integration of modern and efficient system technology for a market in an existing residential building, safe removal of pollutants and a predominantly self-sufficient heat supply from the waste heat of the commercial cooling system. IBIG was commissioned with the planning, tendering and awarding of the technical trades. The construction management was carried out by EDEKA.